Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What event occurred in the year 1769, causing carbon dioxide concentrations to skyrocket?

As can be seen from the previous blog entry, the figure below shows the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, measured in terms of parts per million [3]. It is evident from the figure that before 1769, the carbon dioxide concentration was relatively constant.
In the year 1769, James Watt invented and patented the first ever steam engine, sparking the start to the Industrial Revolution [3]. It is also in this year that the level of carbon dioxide emissions rose drastically and has not stopped growing ever since.

Although the connection between the growing carbon dioxide emissions and the start of the Industrial Revolution is not 100 percent known, it is extremely likely that the start of the Industrial Revolution and the introduction of burning fossil fuels have led to the growing concentration of carbon dioxide [3]. Until the day where energy stems from solely renewable sources, the carbon dioxide concentration will keep rising.