Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What is the theoretically available wind power density for the area 10 km out from the shore of Hong Kong? How many tons of concrete and steel would this take?

Assuming that the power per unit area of the offshore wind power in Hong Kong closely models the land-based wind power, the offshore power per unit area is approximated to be 4.05 W/m2.

Next, it is assumed that it is feasible to put wind turbines up to 10 kilometers from shore. Knowing that the coastline of Hong Kong is 733 kilometers [29], the total offshore area can be computed by multiplying 733 kilometers by 10 kilometers and converting to meters squared. The available wind power for total offshore wind availability is the same as the land-based equation: Total available offshore wind power = (.10)(Power per unit area)(Total area of offshore area). Plugging in the numbers gives a total of 269.9 kW. 

Again, by using the population of Hong Kong, 7 million, the total available offshore wind energy per capita per day can be found. This number is approximately 11 kWh/day/person.