Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How much area would have to be covered by PV panels to supply all the energy required by the red stack analysis?

The red stack number when adding all the sub-components together is approximately 111 kWh per day per person. Multiplying this by  the population of Hong Kong, 7 million, gives 777 million kWh per day total.

Next, I assume that the average power of the sunlight per meter squared in Hong Kong is 110 W/m2 and that each one of the PV panels are 10 percent since the cheapest kind would be implemented in mass productions. By using the formula (110 W/m2)(.10)(x m2)(1 kW/1000 W)(24 hours/1 day) = 777,000,000 and solving for x, it is computed that 2.94 billion m2 area covered by PV panels are necessary to produce the red stack energy amount.