Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What is the red stack number for cars in Hong Kong?

Energy is consumed at every level of human interaction, and one of the most common ways we use energy is through transportation. Since Hong Kong has a population of nearly 7 million people, it’s important to look at their energy consumption via automobiles. Assuming the fuel they use gets on average 25 miles per gallon, and also assuming that the fuel gets approximately 24 kWh per gallon, we only need to know how many miles per day the people of Hong Kong drive each day. We will take the amount of energy used each year to be 91 Tera-Joules[24] The calculation has been done to show people living in Hong Kong travel on average 10.2 miles per day. We need the energy consumption so we will use the miles per gallon average along with the energy per gallon to get 9.9 kWh per day per person.