Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What is the potential wind energy availability in your country?

In order to calculate the power per day person, the first component to calculate is the power per unit area. This is done by implementing the following equation: Power per unit area = (pi/400)*pair*vuseful3. The density of air can be closely approximated as the air density standard when the pressure is 101.325 kPa and the air temperature is 15°C. Thus, pair = 1.225 kg/m3. The useful wind velocity can be found by adding 1.5 meters per second, the factor of error, to the average wind velocity of the region. Based on the figure below, which is the wind speed topology for Hong Kong, it is reasonable to believe that the average wind speed is 6 meters per second [27].
 So, vuseful = vavg + 1.5 m/s = 7.5 m/s. Now, the power per unit area can be computed and the value turns out to be 4.05 W/m2.

Now, the total available power is found by using the following equation: Total available power = (.10)(Total area of Hong Kong)(Power per unit area). The 0.10 is the approximated fraction of the country covered by windmills. The total area of Hong Kong is known to be 1,098*106 meters2. After plugging in the necessary parameters, the total available wind power is 444.7*103 kW. Then, using 7 million people for the population of Hong Kong [28], the total power per day per person comes out to be around 1.50 kWh/day/person in terms of wind power on land.