Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What is the red stack number for transporting stuff in Hong Kong?

After all of the stuff is produced it then needs to be transported and distributed. The three forms of transportation are by land, by air, and by water. Since the area of land that Hong Kong covers is not very large we will neglect the energy used to transport stuff by air. The stuff that is transported by water is mostly exported out of Hong Kong and will be neglected as well. The energy used to transport stuff will then come fully from transportation over land. Freight trucks, delivery vehicles, and personal automobiles are used throughout the city to deliver all the stuff. There are about 1,140 miles of roads used for public transportation in Hong Kong. [26] Food, drink, tobacco, paper products, and merchandise are just a few of the things transported around, and with Hong Kong’s thriving market we will assume an energy usage of 10 kWh per day per person.