Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What is the red stack number for food, farming, and fertilizers in Hong Kong

Split into: Plants (grains/vegetable), milk, eggs, meat, fertilizers, and pet food
Food is an important area to look at in Hong Kong even though farming is not a major factor compared to other regions. The extremely localized population means that there is an extreme demand for food.
The Hong Kong region is not known for its agricultural or farming products it produces. Because much of the land is not suitable for farming (sloping terrain) and because of the urbanized population we can neglect the red stack number for farming and fertilizers. Hong Kong relies on 95 percent of its food supply from imports out of the region. [25] Energy is wasted every time consumable food is thrown out. If 7 million people discard, on average, just 200 kilocalories of consumable food energy per day, the energy wasted can be neglected compared to other red stack numbers. With the 200 kcal assumption, there would only be 0.23 kWh per day per person wasted.